Wednesday, October 01, 2008


It's always bugged me ... just why were Arnold Schoenberg (A) and Mstislav Rostropovich (B) so bald?

I mean, so much more bald-looking than anyone else?

Other people with receding hairlines (C & D) seem to get away with it.

Well, except this guy (E).

And there's no guaranteeing that having hair will make any difference (F).

But with the two maestros, you just can't avoid it. It's serious 'elephant-in-the-room' stuff.

Maybe they just had more forgettable faces. Kind of pudgy and loose. Or weren't especially attractive in the first place. Or because they sometimes dressed like The Beatles but looked so much more professorly. Or maybe that they grew the side bits just a little too long in a way that emphasized their cue-ball domes more than usual. Or maybe because back in the 60s when the world was actually in black and white the lack of hair was all the more shocking (G). And standing next to hairy people didn't help (H).

I used to feel really sick looking at photos Schoenberg; he was so drab and stern and proper and empty (I & J). Like he had an inflamed pancreas and hadn't yet informed anyone. It used to turn me off modern music.

Perhaps he could have compensated: gone all open-shirt and hot chick like Leonard Bernstein (K) or simply worn a hat like Francis Poulenc (L).

Or at least just tried to smile more (H).

Damn it, man, your material was hard enough to sell as it was - next time, get a combover or a makeover, or simply write a damn good tune.


Anonymous said...

well i reckon Arnie looks a lot balder than Mstisi, and I'd attribute that to the pudginess of Arnie's features, as you mentioned. The nose in particular.

And the thought of Schoenberg doing the open shirt thang... shudder..........!

Speaking of baldness, i noticed today that my rear tyres have a pretty severe case. Once again an annoying necessity appears to thwart my purchase of cool stuff like mics and amps. sigh.

Julian Day said...

ar, i sympathize - my dog of a car was such a moneypit. buying it was the most short-sighted thing i did and giving it away - and i mean literally, damn it - was the best thing i did.

if you're ever intimidated or bored bone-senseless by serialism just imagine schoenberg teaching wide-eyed students in his boxers and wife-beater, chugging a belgian beer and belching into his armpit. works every time.