Wednesday, September 10, 2008


10 things that I'm afraid of.

1. Lakes.
2. Vomiting.
3. Being bashed.
4. Cancer.
5. Boredom.
6. Not achieving my goals. Failing.
7. Being left behind.
8. Being secretly hated.
9. Sunrise.
10. Camping.


Anonymous said...

camping? really?

Julian Day said...

yeah .. although less so these days. i used to be very afraid of being away from civilisation. now that i read books more and have an iPod that's not so urgent. i do feel odd about not being near a TV, though. just for comfort.

Anonymous said...

hmm, interesting. i guess there is something kinda weird about intentionally cutting yourself off from civilisation for days on end. also something quite idyllic...

even if you're not near a tv box, just imagine all the signals that would be passing through the air at any given moment in any given location. a small comfort, perhaps?


Anonymous said...

Vomiting? Me too. I find it heartening that I'm not the only one.

Dominik Krupinski said...

I sometimes think a bashing would do me good. When I came out of the hospital in Brisbane, I went out walking in industrial areas and docksides all the time, secretly hoping to get beaten unconscious.

Then I'd chicken out, pick up a plank of wood to fend off would-be attackers and slink home.

Julian Day said...

with the right plank of wood couldn't you just bash yourself?

Julian Day said...

actually, now that i don't drink i have lost some of the dutch courage i used to have - walking around the grimy streets of pyrmont and glebe at 3am. now the idiotic risks i used to take make me shiver and now when i soberly take the back streets i keep imagining the feeling of a hundred fists smashing my face and skin.

Anonymous said...

i think sometimes blissful oblivion is a good thing. or at least the blind confidence that comes with it. i used to work late nights in london and get home on the last tube. i'd take a short-cut through dimly-lit industrial estates and ricketty old footbridges to get home, never once thinking that it was a pretty stupid thing to do. never been bashed, and it would have taken twice as long to get home if i'd taken the safer-though-more-circuitous route.